Q: Is it a private school?
A: No, Sacred Heart is a parish school which assists and supports families by providing an education infused with Gospel values.
Q: Do you have to be Catholic?
A: No, but the school is faith-centered and all students take part in religious studies and celebrations. Priority is given to Catholic parishioners during the admissions process.
Q: What non-academic classes do you have?
A: Sacred Heart Parish School is proud of our athletic program for boys and girls which includes volleyball, basketball, soccer, and football. Our Technology Learning Center can accommodate 28 students with Apple mini computers, using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other learning software to extend and enhance classroom curriculum. We also offer a Music program that teaches instruments and theory as well as a school choir.
Q: Does the curriculum follow State guidelines?
A: Yes. It also follows the guidelines of the Diocese of Monterey which are based upon State and National standards.
Q: Do you have year-round school?
A: No, we follow the academic school year, currently late August to mid-June.