Grade 5
Students in Fifth Grade learn about worship as Christians and explore, in-depth, the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, Eucharist and its meaning, reconciliation, and marriage. They learn to locate passage in the Bible. Additionally, service projects provide an opportunity for fifth graders to truly follow Jesus’ message.
Language Arts and Literature
The CAFÉ Daily 3 Reading framework provides students in fifth grade the opportunity to become better readers. Novel studies within this framework incorporate lessons in literary terms as well as practice in comprehension. Literature circles allow for small group instruction within a student's Lexile score. Classroom novel studies also ensure that students are reading and discussing grade-level material. Students learn to develop thoughtful questions while being exposed to different genres.
Fifth grade students further develop their writings skills by studying essay, expository and descriptive writing. The Step Up to Writing program and other graphic organizers, assist students in developing their writing voice.
Vocabulary and grammar skills are enhanced through daily grammar practice as well as working through the grammar program Voyages through English. The Zaner-Bloser spelling and vocabulary programs allow for practice with spelling, word origins, prefixes, suffixes, word meanings, analogies as well as synonyms and antonyms.
In Fifth Grade, students use the Go Math program for a hands-on approach to math. Fractions are the primary focus in fifth grade. Students use manipulatives to help develop a deeper understanding of math concepts. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions are taught using the manipulatives. Problem solving and fortitude are integral parts of the math program.
Social Studies
Fifth Grade students learn about American History culture, including the exploration of the United States, how the country was settled, and what life was like during colonial times. Students explore the American revolution, our independence and the framework of the Constitution. The year culminates with a state report, in which students research and learn about one state, then present their findings to the parents and the class.
Science and STEM
Fifth Grade students participate in Science and STEM. Within the Science curriculum, students learn about the water cycle; cell structure; human body systems; air and weather; renewable and non-renewable resources; energy and technology; matter; and the solar system. As part of the STEM program, the students explore subjects like energy in a hands-on, in-depth environment. For example, students may build solar-powered cars in teams. The collaborative environment allows the students to teach each other and share lessons learned with guided help from their teacher.
Physical Education
In Fifth Grade, the emphasis is on combinations of the skills developed previously, as well as, specialized sport skills in increasingly complex lead-up games. Students focus on lead-up games at this level because the rules, strategies and scoring system are simplified, success is maximized, and further skill development increases. Students participate in volleyball, soccer, flag football, basketball, hockey, paddleball, tennis, frisbee, wiffleball, track and field, as well as, a variety of rhythm and dance and team building cooperation activities. Students participate in P.E. three times a week for 30 minutes.
Students participate in Spanish class twice a week. Their classwork, including participation, and homework earn them a letter grade.
Fifth Grade students continue their recorder lessons mastering the application of sharps, flats, and natural signs in the keys of G and F major, and as accidentals within a measure. They are able to categorize, compare, and contrast the characteristics of all the orchestra instruments. Fifth grade students have mastered sight-reading of vocal music and are eligible to join the school choir.
Our technology is integrated at the classroom level and part of the curriculum. Fifth grade students may use the iPads to work on vocabulary, research state projects to build presentations, or work on Math problems, among other activities. Students are assigned their own iPad for use during the school year. Each iPad includes a keyboard.