Transitional Kindergarten
All students begin and end the day in prayer at Sacred Heart Parish School. They also stop to pray several times during the school day. Transitional Kindergarten students learn about God’s creation and love in the Stories of God’s love Religion program. Students also learn about their Catholic identity by participating in Para-liturgies, Mass, Rosary, special Saints days, prayers, and other devotions. The classroom has a prayer corner available at all times.
Language Arts
In Transitional Kindergarten, students use a balanced literacy program that includes reading, writing, speaking, performing, observing, illustrating, and creating. Happily Ever After Reading Program is an instructional program that helps children build the foundation needed to begin reading. We also practice writing daily through the use of literature and direct instruction, using the Handwriting Without Tears program.
We also create units of study throughout the year that focus on meeting the Common Core State Standards in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and foundational skills.
We assist Transitional Kindergarteners as they move from intuitive every day mathematics to mathematics taught in First grade. In addition to highlighting math skills such as number sense and measurement. We support the development of mathematical reasoning (e.g., representing, relating, analyzing and explaining).
Math exploration centers provide students the opportunities to practice the concepts more concretely.
Science and Social Studies
Transitional Kindergarten students learn about science and social studies daily through thematic units, such as: All about me, celebrations, Holidays, Recycling, Professions, and Living things around me.
Physical Education
In Early Childhood, physical education instruction is focused on fundamental movement skills and active physical play. Student activities include throwing and catching balls, rhythm and balance. Students participate in P.E. once a week for 30 minutes.
Transitional Kindergarten students begin to discriminate between different voices and certain instrumental and environmental sounds. The students practice songs in preparation for their Para-liturgies.
Our technology is integrated at the classroom level and part of the curriculum. Transitional Kindergarten students use iPads in the classroom, which they share with Kindergarten.