Grade 1
We strive to educate our first graders for life with the heart and mind of Christ. Through Bible stories, religion lessons, and class discussions, the students will come to know God as their friend and Savior. Bi-weekly Mass and daily prayer enrich the students’ spiritual formation.
Reading and Language Arts
Reading and Language Arts are the fundamental academic focus of first grade. Building on what they learned in Kindergarten, First Graders learn more complex letter-sound relationships. They apply these new skills to longer decodable stories and informational texts and in their writing. Reading comprehension and fluency are emphasized. Students read authentic texts at their level in small teacher-led guided reading groups. All skills are carefully integrated and taught in multiple modes—visual, auditory, and kinesthetic—to reinforce language learning. Through a variety of literature and genres, the students will develop into fluent readers and writers. Students are able to apply comprehension skills, spelling skills and grammar schools through a variety of methods and techniques that address different learning styles. They create stories of their own applying the skills they have learned. Using Step Up to Writing in conjunction with Superkids, students participate in daily writing lessons that teach critical writing skills and the writing process. Each unit focuses on one genre of writing: narrative, informative/explanatory, opinion, descriptive, poetry, or correspondence. Students continue their practice of handwriting using the D’Nealian program.
With our CAFE and Daily 5 program, each student works toward his or her personal reading goal. Students work through the different activities to help them develop fluency and comprehension, while keeping them engaged. The activities include: read to self, work on writing, read to someone, listen to reading, or word work. Students learn to predict and infer when reading and listening, and how to collaborate on revisions, proofread, and self-correct.E
Through a hands-on approach, First Grade students experience Math skills on a daily basis with the Go Math program. They learn the operations of addition and subtraction, problem solving strategies, measurement of time, and skills, such as, critical thinking and problem solving. Students will be exposed to key terms and operational symbols in Math.
Social Studies
Through the Social Studies curriculum, students begin to understand their role in the global community. They learn the similarities and differences between people who lived long ago and how people live today. In exploring current events, students will comprehend the role or our government, their own roles within the family and the community. They learn about our state and country through holidays, symbols, and special Americans.
First Grade students learn about the world around them by exploring key concepts such as living/non–living, plants, animals, habitats, and Earth’s features (e.g. land and water). First Graders also study clouds and weather and take turns as the class meteorologist.The students are introduced to the scientific method and, as a class, participate in the school‐wide Science Fair.
Physical Education
Building on the skills learned in Early Childhood, student instruction in First Grade is focused on cooperative learning, enhanced movement, and the development of stability, locomotor and manipulative skills. Students work on cooperation activities, movement concepts, running for fitness and health, balance, rhythm and dance, jump rope, sidearm, underhand and overhand movement patterns, striking, kicking, trapping and dribbling skills. Students participate in P.E. three times a week for 30 minutes.
Students in First Grade participate in Spanish class twice a week. They are introduced to the alphabet and learn simple words and verbs.
First grade students are study the Kodaly music symbols, enabling them to read, compose, and complete measures in simple time signatures. They use rhythm instruments to interpret and perform a variety of rhythmic patterns. Kodaly symbols are also applied as rhythmic values for singing lessons.
Our technology is integrated at the classroom level and part of the curriculum. First Grade students use iPads in the classroom, which they share with 2nd grade.